CALL FOR PAPERS | Year 5, No. 2, 2024


1. The call for submissions is now open for the International Journal of Digital Law, published by Publisher Fórum, supported by the Center for Research in Public Policy and Human Development (NUPED) of the Ph.D in Law Program at Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná,

2. Articles must be submitted through the journal’s electronic system by September 10, 2024. Submissions should be original and unpublished, and at least one of the authors must hold a Master's degree.

3. Articles should address the theme of Digital Law, with relevant subtopics including: (i) new technologies, (ii) fundamental rights in the context of new technologies, (iii) artificial intelligence, (iv) personal data protection, (v) general data protection law, (vi) digital public law, (vii) digital public administration, (viii) digital government, (ix) regulation of artificial intelligence, (x) regulatory sandbox, (xi) blockchain, (xii) smart contracts, (xiii) neurorights, among other topics related to new technologies and digital law.

4. Papers may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French.

5. The International Journal of Digital Law is a quarterly and free journal launched in 2020, identified in the DOI (Digital Object Identifier System), indexed in Latindex, Diadorim, Google Scholar, and, and is registered with CrossReg and Qualis, as well as associated with Orcid-ID, Publons (Clarivate Analytics), and the Brazilian Association of Scientific Publishers (ABEC).

6. Take advantage of this opportunity.


Prof. Dr. Emerson Gabardo