About the Journal

International Journal of Digital Law

I. J. Digital Law




The International Journal of Digital Law is an electronic scientific journal with open access and published every four months, edited by Editora Fórum and currently having Dr. Emerson Gabardo as its Editor-in-Chief, professor at NUPED/PUCPR.

The Editorial Board is composed of renowned professors linked to higher education institutions in Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Colombia, Spain, Egypt, France, The Netherlands and India. The editorial line meets the dictates of REDAS - Research Network in Social Administrative Law. It focuses on the critical study of legal and political institutions typical of the rule of law, notably those geared towards innovation and human development through the digital revolution.



Currently, the editorial line seeks to divulge themes related to “Economic Law and Development”. The magazine highlights this theoretical framework. However, across the theme of economy, development, globalization and social rights, the keywords that best define the scope of the magazine involve dealing with topics such as: access to information, Big data, Blockchain, Smart cities, Smart contracts , Crowdsourcing, Cybercrimes, Digital democracy, Right to privacy, Fundamental rights, E-business, Digital economy, Digital Education, Administrative efficiency, E-Government, Ethics, Fake News, Gig economy, Digital inclusion, Infrastructure, Innovation, Artificial intelligence, Public interest, Internet, Internet of things, Jurimetry, Lawfare, New technologies, Digital profiling, Multimedia research, Electronic administrative process, Data protection, Administrative regulation, Economic regulation, Risk, Public services, Information Systems, Information Society, Government transparency, and Telecommunications.


Brief description of the Journal's history
The journal was created in 2020 in an initiative taken over by Editora Fórum, which invited Prof. Emerson Gabardo to be its Editor-in-Chief. Its objective is to fill a gap in the scope of scientific journals in the area of Law and Technology. It was observed that there was no magazine in Brazil with this profile, focused on Digital Law (which ended up becoming a mandatory course in Law schools in 2021, by decision of the Federal Council of the OAB).

Volume 1 presents the first 18 scientific articles published by the journal, divided into three different numbers. Another 5 issues have already been edited, referring to volumes 2 (2021) and 3 (2022), totaling 34 articles published so far in this period. Number 3 of volume 3 of the journal is in press and will be released next month containing 8 articles.

It is important to highlight that despite being a journal from a commercial publisher, it is fully open, with free access (open access journal).

The preservation of all the content of the electronic domain of the IJDL is carried out by means of a backup system outsourced to a specialized company that follows the following methodology: permanence of the content in the directory 1 (online access 24h) and saving in redundancy in the directory 2 (backup of the backup). In addition to the methodology adopted by the preservation service provider, all issue numbers are deposited in full at: Zenodo, Open Science, Academia.edu, Wisdom, Mendeley and Zotero.

As part of the journal's policy, the originality of each article is checked on Google through random searches using a text section per page. After the initial google analysis, citations, references and text (spelling and originality) are checked with the systems: Scite, Quotation Machine and Grammarly.


Double blind peer review 

The publication of articles is submitted to the double-blind peer-review procedure. The works are sent without identification of authorship to two "ad hoc" referees exogenous. The referees are, therefore, always researchers linked to renowned national and foreign higher education institutions.