Digitization of public services and the lack of semantic agreement about the expression “digital inclusion” – serious consequences for the definition of inclusive public policies and for the full exercise of citizenship in cyberspace.
Digitalização de serviços públicos e a falta de acordo semântico acerca da expressão “inclusão digital” - consequências graves para a definição de políticas públicas inclusivas e para o exercício pleno da cidadania no ciberespaço
digital public services, digital inclusion, public policies, digital literacy, semantic agreementAbstract
This article critically evaluates the semantic understanding of the term “digital inclusion” used in several federal government actions leading to the digitization of public services. From then on, it points to the need for a conceptual agreement that lends substantial effectiveness to that expression and, consequently, to public policies that have it as a reference. Through a bibliographical, exploratory and qualitative research, the work addresses substantive aspects related to the aforementioned theme, highlighting a wide scenario of digital illiteracy that marks the current Brazilian history and the insufficient treatment of the issue by the Government. Finally, the present study argues that, for the full digital inclusion of Brazilian citizens across the country, the acquisition and expansion of technological facilities (undeniably important and always much celebrated) represent only half of the way forward; it is equally necessary and urgent - in order to form critical, mature and politically aware citizens to truly take part in public life in a society transformed by technology - the implementation of “digital literacy” policies for a large portion of Brazilians unfamiliar with cyber language and with no understanding of how the mechanisms through which the globalized world is interconnceted work.
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