Digital inclusion and blockchain as instruments for economic development
Inclusão digital e blockchain como instrumentos para o desenvolvimento econômico
Development, Technology, Dignity, Digital inclusion, BlockchainAbstract
The objective the study of the possibility of digital inclusion and the uses of blockchain serving for development, considering freedom, equality and the search for people’s happiness. In the 1st moment, is analyzed, with emphasis on Sen’s view, in the sense that development is not based only on economic indicators, is also measured according to human development, full freedoms, is considered that it is not enough to tie development only to freedoms, because equality and happiness should also be emphasized. The 2nd topic considers the advancement of ICTs in the current society, with the understanding that digital inclusion has been considered a fundamental right, as it is closely related to the dignity of the human person, existential minimum and improving living conditions. In the 3rd moment, there is an overview about blockchain networks, going through their main uses, with emphasis on the use for humanitarian purposes, such as the realization of digital ID, which has especially benefited refugees and communities needy. It is concluded that digital inclusion and blockchain networks can be tools for development, as their uses reflect in improving the quality of life, in the dignity of people, as well as in freedoms and equality.
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