The technological paradigms and contributions to the promotion of intellectual property: case study of Tesla Electric vehicles
Innovation; intellectual property; electric vehicles; technological paradigms; Tesla Motors.Abstract
This article investigates technological paradigms and their contributions to promoting intellectual property, using the case study of Tesla Motors' electric vehicles. In this context, by characterizing and contextualizing the conception of the technological paradigm in the technological development of electric vehicles/cars, we seek to study the advantages and disadvantages in the applicability of technological paradigms through the analysis of the SWOT matrix on the case of TESLA electric vehicles. To later carry out a comparative patent study between the United States and Brazil on the topic. In this way, it is possible to allow the reader to understand how technological paradigms promote intellectual property by questioning how electric vehicle (EV) technology in the proposal presented by Tesla can influence national economic development.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Andre Portes, Andrea Drumond de Meireles, Humberto Wilke, José Miranda Ribeiro Júnior (Autor)

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